18 February 2011

Free Research Publications on water management

The International water Management Institute, globally known as IWMI, is one of 15 international research centers supported by the network of 60 governments, private foundations and international organizations collectively known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). IWMI has a staff of about 350 and offices in 12 countries across Asia and Africa.

IWMI's on-line publication section contains several thousand pages of peer-reviewed research on water management. All research outputs and publications produced by IWMI are international public goods, FREELY available to public and partners in developing countries and to members of the international development, academic and research communities.

The IWMI Research Reports Series is the Institute's flagship research publications, a series of internationally peer-reviewed research reports. The review process for Research Reports is similar to the review process for recognized international scientific journals (anonymous peer review). The purpose of research reports is to highlight generic scientific tools and lessons that can be culled from IWMI research. This series was created in 1995 and is well known in the worldwide community of water resources management, irrigation and agricultural research. Several thousand are distributed to readers and institutions in developing countries and the international development community. Several thousand more are downloaded from this web site.

The CA Research Report series captures results of collaborative research conducted under the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. It also includes reports contributed by individual scientists and organizations that significantly advance knowledge on key Assessment questions. Each report undergoes a rigorous peer-review process. The research presented in the series feeds into the Assessment's primary output - a "State of the World" report and set of options back by hundreds of leading water and development professionals and water users.

Click here to Access their LATEST publications list.


The publications archives, published in 2006 and before

Below, A screen-grab of the publications list

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